Employee Lounge

Ferocious Phoenix Property Management Employee Agreement


Welcome to Ferocious Phoenix Property Management, the property management labour branch of Mattico Enterprises Ltd.

We wish to congratulate on joining our team.  Your unique assortment of skills and traits will be a wonderful compliment to our team of seriously dedicated and hard-working people.

During your time with Ferocious Phoenix Property Management you can expect to be provided with work specific to your goals.  As you demonstrate reliability, reasoning, and resourcefulness to Ferocious Phoenix Property Management, we are able to reciprocate your efforts with benefits and perks as holidays come and the seasons change.

As the newest associate for Ferocious Phoenix Property Management you will have opportunities to seek additional resources and training as the company grows and expands.  Your attention and dedication provides Mattico Enterprises Ltd the ability to better suit your needs so to provide you with resources that support your career ambitions and dreams.

Conflict of Interest Statement & Non-Disclosure Agreement

This states that the signed employee agrees to not share any information uncovered while working for and within Ferocious Phoenix Property Management, Mattico Enterprises Ltd, and Disaster Zone Cleaning.

Confidentiality:  All recorded & written information within any company owned or operated by Mattico Enterprises Ltd, is to be considered absolutely confidential.  All addresses & services are to be considered top secret with no exceptions.

Respect:  All devices, equipment, and supplies that are owned and operated by Mattico Enterprises Ltd are to be considered highly confidential.  All devices, equipment, and supplies that are not owned by Mattico Enterprises Ltd are to be considered delicate and must be handled with extreme care.

Discretion & Secrecy: Any events or information that may arise at any work site is to be reported immediately to your supervisor and must never be shared with anyone that is not assigned to that location and that job.

Read, Understood, and Signed By: ____________________________________________________________  Date: ________________

Attention to Detail (#1)


Read, Understood, and Signed By: ____________________________________________________________  Date: ________________

The Safe Workplace

With no set work site it becomes even more important to be attentive and aware of your surroundings.   Always be equipped with the proper PPE and let your supervisor know immediately if you see or sense anything potentially hazardous.

Read, Understood, and Signed By: ____________________________________________________________  Date: ________________

Ability to Handle Extremely Delicate Items (#2)


Read, Understood, and Signed By: ____________________________________________________________  Date: ________________

Anti-Discrimination Policy

Prejudice and negativity will not be tolerated.  Words that can be misunderstood as offensive are not to be considered tolerable.  Racism, sexism, ageism, etc will not be tolerated.

Read, Understood, and Signed By: ____________________________________________________________  Date: ________________

Courtesy, Listen, Calm, Grace (#3)


Read, Understood, and Signed By: ____________________________________________________________  Date: ________________

Multi-Cultural Policy

Cultural protection in effect. This means that all people inside Ferocious Phoenix Property Management may retain all traditional/cultural standards so long as they do not conflict with Ferocious Phoenix Property Management or Mattico Enterprises’ policies.   (Music, clothing, etc is encouraged)

Read, Understood, and Signed By: ____________________________________________________________  Date: ________________

Anti-‘Unwanted Attention’ Policy

Unwanted attention is commonly referred to as bullying or harassment.  Other sources of unwanted attention may be harder to understand such as: cameras, radios, bright lights, salesmen, etc.

Read, Understood, and Signed By: ____________________________________________________________  Date: ________________


Rest Breaks  (Rest & Snack Only.  No Meals)

Ferocious Phoenix Property Management expects the absolute best performance out of it’s workers.  We allow more break time than is legislated to enforce optimal energy levels while working.

Breaks are encouraged after every 45 minutes of very hard work, or after 1 hour and 45 minutes of regular work.  Breaks are 30 minutes maximum or during transportation.  Within every 2 hours you must take at least a 5 minute break or you may be sent home early.

Enough time to clear your head of stress, relax a little, drink some water, listen to some music, take a very light nap, etc.  Use this time to recharge.  Damages and stress caused by lack of break-taking may result in immediate dismissal.

Meal Breaks (Rest & Eat)

Ferocious Phoenix Property Management expects the absolute best performance out of it’s workers.  Meal breaks are 15-60 minutes.  We enforce meal breaks and may deduct meal expenses from your pay if you do not bring a lunch (You will be provided with lunch from Subway or a similar whole-food restaurant).

If you do not eat breakfast, you are requested to come to work 30 minutes early for enough time to eat a breakfast meal (Provided by Ferocious Phoenix Property Management but deducted from your pay).

Read, Understood, and Signed By: ____________________________________________________________  Date: __________

Effective,  Efficient & Elite Property Care